Year 4: News items

Compulsory Games Kit from September, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 8:50pm

Reading Sheds, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 9:17am

Dear Parents/Carers,
Hopefully, you will have noticed our brand new Reading Sheds outside our classrooms. These are stocked with beautiful new books and are accessible to our children on daily basis. They will work on a swap in / swap out basis. Please take the time to have a look inside the sheds with your child and select one to take home and enjoy. When finished, please return and swap for a new one. A great time to take a peek would be at drop off and pick up times.
Happy reading!

Newsletter 26.5.23, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 4:36pm

Dear Parents/Carers,


Thankyou to Miss Johnstone’s Y3 pupils for providing a rousing performance for parents to round off a busy term. It was a pleasure watching them speak and sing with confidence and above all with smiles on their faces!


Sports day

Well done to all our pupils for the brilliant behaviour, effort and encouragement they gave one another. We were blessed with great weather and great support from the crowd – thankyou!


Reading for Pleasure

We are delighted that our Reading Sheds are now up and running. These will replace the Friday Lending Library and will be accessible on a daily basis to swap in and take out a book to enjoy at home. The Reading Sheds are stocked with beautiful new books that are current, classic, and diverse. Each year group has their own shed containing age-appropriate books. Take a look, borrow, then return and of course, please look after the books. Please check out our support termly reading newsletter published today by Mrs Holden.



The Y6 pupils have had a great time at PGL and by all accounts been brilliant ambassadors for Marus Bridge. The children who stayed at school have been equally fantastic – I am very proud of them all as I know parents will be. Thankyou to all our staff and volunteers – pupils couldn’t enjoy such experiences without your dedication.


Unsworth pride Award

The annual Unsworth Pride Award went to Kateryna Rozhkova. When Kate left her home in war torn Ukraine last year, she joined us without knowing anybody and unable to speak any English. Fast forward to today and her English reading and writing is fluent and she continues to be a star pupil – testament to the courage and determination she shows every day. See our socials for more info.



-         Please do not bring dogs on the school grounds. Thanks for your understanding.

-         Please do not use vapes or e-cigarettes on the school grounds.

-         Please could any outstanding lunch money be paid asap. If you are struggling with this for any reason, then please give Mrs Bish a call via the office.


School Day

From September, as proposed, school opening times will be from 8.45am – 3.15pm. Thankyou for all your positive feedback.


Upcoming Dates:

Monday 5th JuneSchool closed INSET day

Tuesday 6th June – School reopens for Summer Term 2

Wednesday 7th June SRE meeting for parents of Y5&6 pupils. 3.30PM on TEAMS (see separate mail)

Thursday 8th – Friday 9th June – Y5 London Trip

Monday 19th June – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs

Tuesday 20th June – Y4 Brass Concert (PM)

Thursday 22nd June – Y6 Road Safety

Wednesday 5th July – ‘Meet your new teacher’ morning

Friday 14th July – FOMBA – Circus Visit

Monday 17th July - EOY Reports out to parents

Tuesday 18th July - Reception EYFS Assembly

Wednesday 19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Party

Friday 21st July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

Friday 21st July - End of Term


Thankyou for your ongoing support and see you after the half term break.


Mr Aldridge

Reading ambassador Newsletter Summer 1, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 11:57am

Please have a look at our latest reading newsletter and see whats been going on in school. 

Newsletter 28.04.2023, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 10:50am

Dear Parents/Carers,


Another week has flown by and a very busy one at that! Miss Foxwell's class did themselves proud in their assembly this morning – a Florence Nightingale themed extravaganza!  We have had a science themed adventure this week – the visits from beekeepers and wildlife experts have certainly been highlights (I imagine a pet mouse has been added to a few birthday lists since yesterday, too!). Thankyou to Mrs Bower and the staff for coordinating such an immersive and enjoyable week for our children.


NEU Industrial Action

School will be open to all classes this coming Tuesday 2nd May.


Attendance Awards

We gave out attendance awards in assembly today. Aside from illness, we aim for children to attend school everyday - avoiding holidays in term time and therefore maximising the progress they make at school. The school holiday patterns for the next two years can be found in the parents section of our website under ‘Term Dates’.


The Book Sheds 

You may well have noticed the appearance of sheds with black doors outsides classrooms around school. These will soon be open on a daily basis at the end of the school day, housing age appropriate books for pupils to borrow and enjoy. 


Kings Coronation Celebration

A reminder that on Friday 5th May we will be holding a celebration day for the King’s Coronation. Children will be invited to wear red, white and blue, with various coronation themed activities being held throughout the day.


Upcoming Dates:

Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday - School closed

Friday 5th May – King’s Coronation Celebration  (details to follow from Mrs Miller)

Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday - School closed
Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May – Y6 SATs

Wednesday 17th May - Numeracy Day (details to follow from Mrs Boffey)

Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th May - Y6 PGL residential

Wednesday 24th May – Sportsday - Reception Class AM. Y1 and Y2 PM (exact timings to follow next week)

Thursday 25th May – Sportsday - Y5 and 6 AM. Y3 and Y4 PM (exact timings to follow next week)

Friday 26th May – School closes for half-term

Monday 5th June – School closed INSET day

Tuesday 6th June – School reopens for summer term 2

Wednesday 6th June – Music Alive – KS2 performance

Thursday 8th – Friday 9th June – Y5 London Trip


Have a lovely extended weekend whatever your plans are.


Mr Aldridge

King's Coronation Celebration, by Mrs Miller

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 11:28am

King's Coronation(1).PNG

Reading Ambassador Newsletter, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 4:13pm

Welcome to our first ever reading ambassador newsletter. Have a read through and see what fabulous reading has been taking place in school. 

School PTA AGM - We need you, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 10:19am

Dear Parents/Guardians,


We would like to invite you all to the next AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Wednesday 19th April at 3.05pm. The meeting is a fantastic opportunity for parents to meet the committee members of the PTA (FOMBA) and to learn more about how getting involved can really benefit our children and our school. The meeting takes place once each year, offering new volunteers the opportunity to run for a place on the committee whilst giving everyone the chance to vote for who they think is most suitable for each role.  It is also the time for current committee members to stand down, making way for new faces with fresh ideas. Past and present committee members are of course welcome to re-run if they would like to continue supporting the PTA.


In order for FOMBA to continue, we really need lots of you to attend this meeting and to offer your help, as several of the current committee members are preparing to stand down as their children get ready to move on to high school. We know that it feels like a big commitment to offer your services and join the PTA but with good communication and teamwork, it really doesn’t have to be. And just to give you a reminder of what FOMBA have managed to support and/or provide over the years please see below;


Playground Equipment

Library Books

School Trips

Educational Visits

Summer Fair

Christmas Markets



These things have all been either funded by FOMBA or subsidised by FOMBA and have benefitted our children in so many ways.


We know that a lot of you struggle to attend meetings due to work and other commitments and we have really tried to take this into consideration going forward. The meeting will take place in school straight after pick up and one of the teachers has very kindly offered to stay behind to take care of all those children that have adults wanting to attend the meeting.


Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, guardians, please try your best to attend the meeting and help us out, because we really cannot continue FOMBA unless we have sufficient numbers within the committee.


Thank you,

Your FOMBA Team


Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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