PSHE Ambassadors
The PSHCE representing a school subject this year at Marus Bridge.
All pupils were invited to write an application to become an ambassador and only 4 were selected due to their outstanding attitude to other pupils, their code of conduct around school, their positive engagement with lessons, their love of the subject and embracing our school core values of kindness, respect, trust, determination, responsibility and friendship.
The pupils have been involved, with the PSHCE lead - Mrs Heaton, in auditing the subject of PSHE and carried out interviews with pupils from younger year groups and presented their findings to the Headteacher and the school governors. They have carried out canvassing with their peers in UKS2 and fed back to Mrs Heaton about the likes and dislikes of the topics we teach in PSHCE, they have filmed and created a video discussing and promoting their thoughts on our school's core values and they are also about to showcase all we do to live a healthy lifestyle at the first ever Wigan Borough Healthy schools event.