Our Vision

Our vision for our children is that they leave Marus Bridge having fulfilled their potential, having acquired the knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves and the world that will equip them to thrive in their next stage of learning. We ensure children feel a deep sense of enjoyment in all elements of school life, so that they learn and achieve success every day. 


Our curriculum aims to provide all children with a broad and rich learning experience, enabling the acquisition of knowledge and skills, whilst developing new interests and passions that aim to inspire them to reach their potential in everything they do. When leaving Marus Bridge, we want our children to have the understanding, confidence and drive to be responsible and transformational members of a global society. 

Our Core Values

Our core values determination, friendship, responsibility, kindness & respect and trust guide us in all we do. The whole staff team, parents and pupils are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’. The values developed have been selected after consultation with pupils, staff, governors and parents as values which are important within the school community and which will be important throughout life.


As a school we ensure:

Scholarship: We will develop children’s knowledge and study skills to further drive up standards and secure the highest progress, engagement and enjoyment in our school and beyond.

Curricular excellence: We will offer excellent educational experiences in our curriculum and graduate achievement programme and promote social, moral, cultural and spiritual development in every aspect of school life.

Outstanding teaching and professional learning: We will support, challenge and learn from each other to develop outstanding teaching in all classes. We will create links with a range of providers within RLT and beyond so that our teaching is always outstanding over time.

Pastoral excellence: We will provide a caring and inclusive approach. Each child is unique and special. We will work to ensure that all pupils achieve the highest outcomes possible, feel safe and happy in school, thrive and enjoy learning.


Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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