Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Offer
Curriculum Intent:
Upon leaving Marus Bridge, our pupils to have the knowledge, understanding and drive to be responsible and transformational members of a diverse and global society. Our curriculum aims to provide all children with a broad and ambitious learning experience, enabling the acquisition of interrelated knowledge and skills whilst developing new interests and passions.
Over the course of their studies, our pupils develop transferable vocabulary to provide them with the language they need to articulate the connections and knowledge they have acquired, opening the door to future learning.
A curriculum which celebrates:
  • Scholarship: Our staff understand how children learn and use this to get the very best out of our pupils. With a focus on targets and study skills, children are taught to drive their own learning journey and value their own progress and success.  
  • Curricular excellence: Our curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure that children learn more and remember more. Supported by our excellent enrichment offer, children develop a love of learning throughout their time at Marus Bridge.  
  • Outstanding teaching and professional learning: We will support, challenge and learn from each other to develop outstanding teaching in all classes. We will create links with a range of providers within RLT and beyond so that our teaching is always outstanding over time. 
  • Pastoral excellence: We will provide a caring and inclusive approach. Each child is unique and special. We will work to ensure that all pupils achieve the highest outcomes possible, feel safe and happy in school, thrive and enjoy learning. 
Want to know more?
If you would like to learn more about any of our subjects, please visit the subject pages where you will find our full curriculum/ subject specific end points.
For information about how our curriculum is delivered, please see our policies below:



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Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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