Planet Protectors - Eco


Welcome to our Planet Protectors Webpage. This page will tell you about our Planet Protectors and some of the work we are doing. We have appointed this year’s protectors who are now working hard to encourage the rest of the school to become more eco - friendly

Why do we have Planet Protectors?

Being a Planet Protector is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way our school is run and help us to be more environmentally friendly. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.  They take on the responsibility of expressing their own views, but also the views of their peers as well as passing on information from eco meetings. As a Planet Protector, pupils have the opportunity to develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation.

Who can be a Planet Protector?

Any child from Year 2 upwards can be a Planet Protector. In September, pupils from each class are invited to fill in an application form indicating what they think makes a great Planet Protector and then they are invited to share this with their classes who vote for their class protectors.

Eco-Schools Award

We are working hard towards the Eco-Schools Awards. We are happy to announce that we are going to apply for our Bronze awards.The Bronze award criteria focuses on getting the Eco-Schools structure set up so you have everything in place to tackle the eco work you have planned. The Bronze award is attained by self-assessment.

To achieve the award we need to meet the following criteria ( we are well on the way with this )

  • Pupils volunteer and are then nominated by their peers to be on the Eco-Committee. This includes all KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 year groups in the school.
  • Pupils are given the opportunity to invite along non-teaching staff to join their meetings to help them with a particular topic they have chosen to work on.
  • There is a representation from the parents or governing body on your Eco-Committee.
  • The committee meets at least once every half term.
  • Pupils share responsibility with adults for running meetings and keeping a record of the meetings.
  • Minutes are displayed on your Eco-Board.
  • Reports of your Eco-Committee meetings are made available to the Board of Governors and PTA.
  • Pupil representatives ensure that there is communication to and from the Eco-Committee to the rest of the school.

Environmental Review

  • An informal Environmental Review covering all nine topics is carried out by pupils (with adult supervision).
  • A copy of your Environmental Review must be displayed on the Eco-Board and communicated with the whole school along with detailed plans for activities for improvement.

Action Plan

  • One Eco-Schools Topic only
  • Eco-Committee produces an Action Plan influenced by their Environmental Review.
  • Pupils on the Eco-Committee take responsibility for leading the actions.
  • The Action Plan contains timescales, who is responsible and how targets will be monitored and evaluated.
  • The Eco-Committee has shared the Action Plan with the whole of the school.
  • A copy of the Action Plan is displayed on the Eco-Board.


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Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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