Newsletter 10.05.24
Dear Parents/Carers,
Success all round in Y5 today. Firstly, Mrs Bower’s Class took us on a whistlestop tour of their learning this year, from the glorious Greeks to some smelly science – a great performance by all involved. Well done to all the children who represented the school in the Y5 football tournament – we are super proud of you. Updates on Sky Sports News later! 😊
To our wonderful Y6 cohort – good luck with your SAT tests next week. We could not be prouder of how hard you have worked and the determination you have shown each and everyday. You will smash it next week! Don’t forget Y6 pupils can arrive from 8.30am onwards for a piece of toast and drink next week.
Hats and Water Bottles
Now we are (dare I say it) experiencing some warm weather, on sunny days please can children be sent with caps/sun hats for break-times and their water bottles. Some of the juniors have not had bottles this week.
Sports Day
You are invited to join us and spectate on the field – entrance will be at the gate from the corner of the school field near the Y6 classrooms. In the event of inclement weather, we may have to postpone and rearrange, but will let you know asap.
- Wednesday 22nd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Reception then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
- Thursday 23rd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)
Please send children in PE kits.
Pupil Premium Funding
We would like to ask all of our parents/ carers from reception to Year 6 to consider whether they might meet the criteria for free school meals for their child(ren). This would help to ensure that the school does not miss out on additional pupil premium funding. A simple way to check to see if your child(ren) may be entitled to free school meals is via the link below or giving us a call in school.
Free school meals, pupil premium, and EYPP (
Also, there is a very good article on the Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert website which provides some useful information.
Friday Attendance
Whilst analysing attendance data, we have noticed that Fridays are our most poorly attended day of the week. Please can I encourage you to avoid keeping children off school unnecessarily and support us in improving our Friday attendance. As a school, we celebrate pupils with 100% attendance by entering them into our Monthly prize draw to win a £10 shopping voucher.
Safer Roads Event
In partnership with Safer Roads Greater Manchester and Wigan Council, Good Egg Safety are running a FREE child car seat checking event at Wigan Tesco (WN1 1XS), between 10am-3pm, Friday 7th June 2024.
Please find the leaflet for the event attached to this email and here is the Facebook link:
New Starters 24
We are looking forward to seeing parents of our new starters to our welcome meeting on Tuesday 21st May. Please feel free to arrive from 5.30pm onwards, aiming to begin at 6pm. If you have not already done so, please email the office to accept your child's place at school. Admission forms were also sent recently via email and we kindly request that you complete and submit them by the 21st May We still have a few places available for September, so if friends or family are moving into the area etc, please ask them to get in contact with the school office for a tour.
Key Whole School Dates:
- Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May – Y6 SATS
- Friday 17th May - Mrs Hurst/Collier’s Class Assembly
- Monday 20th May – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs
- Wednesday 22nd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Reception Classes then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
- Thursday 23rd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)
- WB Monday 20th May - Healthy Living Week
- Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day for Summer Fest and End of Term
- Monday 3rd June - School closed for staff INSET day
- Tuesday 4th June – School reopens for Summer Term 2
Many thanks,
Mr Aldridge