Year 1: News items
Newsletter 12.01.24, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 15th Jan 2024 @ 3:26pm
Dear Parents/Carers,
Firstly, a warm welcome back to the spring term – I hope you all had restful and fun festive break – the children have certainly had lots to tell me about! A busy term awaits, but one that really does see children fly and so one that I always look forward to.
FOMBA Meeting
The next meeting is Monday 15th January @ 5.30pm in school. Everyone is welcome, whether you have been before or not.
FOMBA successfully got us onboard Tesco Stronger Starts. This is where shoppers vote for a particular community project in store with a token (you will have seen the voting stations before). Funding is allocated according to the most votes. Our project is a new reading hut to inspire readers from their first day in school onwards. We are awaiting the exact date this goes live, but hopefully at some point in the coming week. So when itplease tell family and friends to vote for us – every little token helps!
The stores are as follows: Poolstock Ln Wigan, Hindley Extra, Ashton in Makerfield, Hindley Green
Coram Beanstalk – Inspiring children to read!
We have a newly created partnership with Coram Beanstalk, a charity that trains volunteers to inspire children to read. By becoming a volunteer with the charity, you would be trained to deliver brief but fun reading experiences once a week with a child at our school. It would mean the world to us and to our children. If you are a parent or grandparent who may be able to offer their time, please follow the link for details.
Volunteer with us | Coram Beanstalk (
Guidance - Mild Illnesses
Please see the NHS guidance attached below on mild illnesses.
Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (
Stay Wise
Below is the link to the government backed initiative ‘Stay Wise’ and resources about the role of the emergency services and the part they play in keeping us all safe. I have shared with staff, but there are videos and games you might be interested in sharing with your children.
KS2 Path Safety
Finally, I know the path up to KS2 gates can get congested at drop off and pick up, but please give yourselves and others space, so that our children are kept safe at these busy times.
See you all next week,
Mr Aldridge
Emotionally Friendly Schools Bronze Level Accreditation, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 11:52am
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our school has achieved Emotionally Friendly Schools Bronze Level Accreditation.
We are the 12th school within Wigan Local Authority to achieve this level. This award recognises the hard work and commitment to whole school emotional health and well-being.
The panel were so impressed with our strategic, whole school approach which has been taken in school promoting emotional health and well-being. They also commented on our person-centred approach to gaining a child’s views and supporting them in their education journey.
"There is a clear whole school commitment, with wonderful examples of promoting emotional health and well-being and it was clear from the visit that this truly is a team approach at Marus Bridge."
Newsletter 17.11.23, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 8:22am
Dear Parents/Carers,
Great work from Mrs Capstick's Y3s this morning. Fun and informative with great ideas about how to stay safe online. Speaking of which, a number of parents got lots from our online safety workshop this week – should you require further information or guidance, please check out our online safety hub.
Home - Marus Bridge Primary School - Hub (
There are two attachments this week relating to Christmas, including key dates and Christmas Jumper arrangements. Please take a look. I'll ask the office to send out separately too. Lots of exciting and enriching activities to look forward to over the coming weeks, with our wonderful friends at FOMBA adding an extra bit of sparkle to proceedings.
Core Value Award
Our core values are displayed throughout school and we strive (both pupils and staff) to live them out each day in everything we do. The focus for this term is kindness and respect with different pupils from each key stage being awarded a weekly certificate and trophy. See our FB page and website for all the details and for this week's winners!
Thankyou for looking after our office staff when you contact them or pop into school; they have vast responsibility in the smooth running of school and in keeping me organised - please treat them with kindness and respect.
Christmas Support
As we approach Christmas, again this year, we are supporting our families ensuring that they can experience the joy and warmth of the special season. We are able to refer our families to agencies where you can have the opportunity to go along and choose your own Christmas food and gifts. If you are struggling financially and would otherwise be unable to provide gifts for your family and enjoy a Christmas dinner, festive treats and a Christmas Eve Box – please telephone Mrs Bish, Pastoral Manager – 01942 24129 who will be happy to complete a referral. Please note the closing date is Friday 1st December 2023. This is a confidential service.
Road Safety Week
It's road safety week next week and we will be reminding children how to take care on our streets. I wrote to you last week about taking extra care at the busy junction on Warrington Road. Please see links below to look at with your children should you wish to.
Video link for Beep Beep for EYFS & KS1
Link to Videos for KS2
Have a great weekend,
Mr Aldridge
Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 6th Nov 2023 @ 9:58am
See flyer for more details for next week.
Newsletter 03.11.23, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 6th Nov 2023 @ 8:31am
Dear Parents/Carers,
We were back with a bang this week, straight into Halloween discos that went down a treat. It was the new look FOMBA's first event and I would like to thank them and all our volunteers and staff for helping on the night and for their organisation, creativity and smiles. Speaking of smiles, the choir sang marvellously in assembly this morning and are now moving on to some Christmassy numbers, with the aim of singing in the community soon. The school choir is open to all in KS2 (currently we have no boys!) - if you think your child might be interested, then do sign them up via the school office.
It's only just November, but...Christmas!
As usual, we have a busy schedule over the festive period, so Mrs Atkinson has kindly put everything together on one page so that you know what is happening and when. Last year we enjoyed a carol service with KS2 at St. Paul's church, unfortunately it is under renovation, so we have put in other activities for KS2 in school. Please see Mrs Atkinson's separate PM for the full run down.
Support at Christmas
This year, we are again supporting families who may be struggling with financial hardship and would otherwise be unable to provide gifts for the family and enjoy a Christmas dinner and festive treats. If you or someone you know are struggling and feel this would help, please contact Mrs Bish Pastoral Manager either by phone 01942 248129 or email This is a confidential service and is not means tested.
Mental Health Awareness - Message from the Pastoral and EFS team
At Marus Bridge we fully support and understand the importance Mental Health and Well Being has in a child’s life. We want our pupils to thrive academically, emotionally, personally and socially and to do this they may need that little extra advice and support. The Pastoral and Emotional Friendly School team have created an informative leaflet that is packed with organisations, contact numbers and website links for parents and pupils. These leaflets can be located in the KS2 library for pupils. It's a great resource which parents can also find copies of at the school entrance. We will be speaking to pupils in assembly to reinforce this message and to explain what and where the leaflets can be found.
Dates (please also check SeeSaw for updates):
- 7/11/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
- 8/11/23 School Tours (new starters 24)
- 13/11/23 Odd Socks Day (start of anti-bullying week)
- 14/11/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
- 15/11/23 Digital Safety (online meeting 6.30pm)
- 11/12/23 Y3 Road Safety
- 13/12/23 Whole School Panto
- 15/12/23 Christmas Jumper Day - The Brick Donations
- 19/12/23 KS1 Christmas Carols
- 20/12/23 Reception Nativity
- 22/12/23 School Closes 1pm
- 8/1/24 INSET DAY
- 9/1/24 School opens for Spring Term
Newsletter 20.10.23, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 11:43am
Dear Parents/Carers,
Miss Johnstone’s class assembly was a wonderful way to close the term, singing and speaking with gusto and looking the part too – well done to you all!
Parents' Evening
Thankyou for the feedback from parents’ evening - very positive and as always some useful suggestions we can act on to better our service to you. It is always a pleasure seeing you all and absorbing the interactions around the room.
Digital Online Safety Meeting
We are running a workshop dedicated to helping parents understand the risks young people face online and the practical things you can do to help. This session will cover gaming, social media and web browsing, with opportunities to ask questions and have access to a free online safety hub. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th November 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Please follow this link on the night to access the meeting:
You may have noticed a rise in the number of covid cases recently. Government and Wigan guidance continues to state that it should be treated as any other similar illness – ie stay off school if too ill to come in and return to school when well enough to do so. If there are any changes I will inform you asap.
Healthy Lifestyles Event
thankyou to the team who represented Marus Bridge at the event at the Edge last week. Well done to Isla, Samuel, Ella and Freddie in Y5, who were outstanding ambassadors for the school, sharing all the ways in which we promote healthy lifestyles at Marus Bridge.
Healthy Schools Celebration Event 2023 - YouTube
New Starters 24-25
The dates for school tours are as follows and at 9.15am (see website for details):
Tuesday 31st October
Tuesday 7th November
Wednesday 8th November
Tuesday 14th November
I have added an evening walk round on Wednesday 8th November at 5pm too. Please book via the school office.
NB The application form for Reception Intake 2024 is now live. Please apply online via the Wigan primary admission web page. Primary school admissions (
30/10/23 School Reopens for Autumn 2
31/10/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
1/11/23 FOMBA Halloween Discos
7/11/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
8/11/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
14/11/23 School Tour (new starters 24)
15/11/23 Digital Safety (online meeting 6.30pm)
11/12/23 Y3 Road Safety
13/12/23 Whole School Panto
19/12/23 KS1 Christmas Carols (full details to follow)
20/12/23 Reception Nativity (full details to follow)
20/12/23 School Closes 1pm
8/1/24 INSET DAY
9/1/24 School opens for Spring Term
Finally, before we break for the half term, can I say thankyou to our governing body, our PTFA and the burgeoning army of volunteers who help make our community what it is today and everyday.
Mr Aldridge
MBPS Online Safety Hub, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 12:16pm
You can now access the Marus Bridge Online Safety Hub FOR FREE.
Head to the Online Safety Hub for lots of expert advice and guidance to help you manage your child's safety online. It includes information on the latest hot topics when it comes to keeping your child safe, such as how to manage your child's screen time, understanding the latest gaming platforms, what they mean for your child’s safety and lots more. Simply follow the link to access The Online Safety Hub:
Qustodio Online Safety Parent App
Don’t forget to sign up for your FREE Qustodio. Gain more visibility on what’s going on in your child’s online world and make sure they are kept safe. Block dangerous content, introduce screen-free schedules, receive alerts for inappropriate content and more.
Follow the link to create your free account:
Newsletter 6.10.23, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 2:19pm
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am proud to announce that together we raised over £600 for MacMillan – we really appreciate the work Miss Whiting's Y6 class did in organising and leading it and our community for popping by to support them.
Providing leadership opportunities and to nurture future leaders is important to us – we may well have a future prime minister or national team captain at Marus Bridge right now! Our children voted for this year’s head boy and head girl, with many excellent candidates to choose from, I know it was a very close vote. Well done to Freya H. and Rhys B. who are our new head girl and boy – they will be very well supported by their deputies, Poppy H. and Deacon G. We know you will do us all proud. Congratulations also to our house captains, who are as follows:
Wilson – Brooklyn C.
Morpurgo – Bobby B.
Rowling – Isobel W.
Dahl – Amelia W.
Whole School Photos
School photos for children and siblings will be on Thursday 19th October.
Paint the Borough Red – Non-Uniform/Wear Red Day - Friday 20th October
We will be holding a non-uniform day and asking pupils to donate £1 and wear an item of red clothing in support of Wigan Youth Zone. The local charity supports local children and young adults in a multitude of different ways, including the mentoring programme of which several of our children and families have benefitted in the past. As well as the non-uniform day, we are hoping to have a special performance from one of our past pupils too.
New Reception Intake 24-25 (next year)
Please see our flier for our stay and play 'taster' mornings for future/prospective new starters. As always, we want to show off our school and give plenty of opportunity to meet teachers and see the school in action. The dates for school tours are as follows and at 9.15am (see website for details):
Tuesday 31st October
Tuesday 7th November
Wednesday 8th November
Tuesday 14th November
NB The application form for Reception Intake 2024 is now live. Please apply online via the Wigan primary admission web page. Primary school admissions (
Harvest - Message from Mrs Miller
Next week we will be learning about the festival of Harvest. We would be very grateful for donations that will be taken to the Wigan Community Grocery and which will directly help our immediate community. Could we politely ask for food (non-perishable) donations to be sent in with the children before Thursday 13th October. Please only give if you are able to.
16/10/23 Y5 Quarry Bank Mill Trip
16/10/23 EYFS 24-25 stay and play
16 and 17/10/23 Parents' Evening
17 and 18/10/23 Y4 (Mrs Hurst and Mrs Collier’s Class) Parents' Evening
20/10/23 Miss Johnstone's Y3 Class Assembly
20/10/23 Paint the Borough Red – non-uniform with an item of red clothing please
20/10/23 School Closes for Half Term at 3.15pm
30/11/23 School Reopens for Autumn 2
1/11/23 FOMBA Halloween Discos
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 2:03pm
Come and see our amazing school and waht we have to offer. Contact the school office on 01942248129 or through to book your place.
Dogs Trust Assembly Visit, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 1:28pm
Both KS1 and KS2 have had an assembly from the Dogs Trust about how to keep safe around dogs in the local area. Did you know that you need to get permission off the owner of a dog before you stroke it? Maybe ask your children about what else they have learned from the assemblies.
A new and exciting chapter for our PTA, FOMBA, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 12th Sep 2023 @ 12:23pm
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the students are welcomed back to school this week for a new and exciting year, the school’s parent and teachers’ association ‘FOMBA’ is also looking forward to a new chapter.
After several fantastic years at the helm, the current committee is stepping down and we are hoping some fresh blood will help this fantastic charity to continue to grow, so we can provide even more support to our school.
For those parents who are new to Marus Bridge or aren’t sure; what Is FOMBA?
FOMBA (Friends of Marus Bridge Association) is a charity registered organisation which has been established to enhance the education of the pupils at Marus Bridge.
Members are volunteers consisting of both parents and staff who work collaboratively to raise funds which supports Marus Bridge in enhancing the children’s school experience. We organise and host fund-raising activities throughout the year, the proceeds of which enable us to support and fund many school initiatives that the school budget just simply cannot cover.
We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all our children, across all areas of the school and curriculum. We always aim high with our ambitions!
A message from the new Chair
As we start this new and exciting chapter for FOMBA, I would like to introduce myself and the new committee members.
Chair – Adam Jones
Vice Chair - Sarah Halsall
Treasurer - Rebecca Jones
Secretary - Sarah Bentley
“Many hands make light work” so we are now actively on the hunt for as many volunteers to join us as possible. We only meet once a term on a Monday evening, so the demand on your time is not too heavy.
Our first open meeting is on Monday 11th September at 5:30pm and we would love to see as many of you there as possible. If you would like to get involved but cannot attend for any reason, we are more than happy to welcome you via Teams.
If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call on 07730 131000 or drop me an email to
Thank you.
Mr A. Jones
We look forward to seeing you soon,
FOMBA committee.
Compulsory Games Kit from September, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 8:50pm
Reading Sheds, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 9:17am
Dear Parents/Carers,
Hopefully, you will have noticed our brand new Reading Sheds outside our classrooms. These are stocked with beautiful new books and are accessible to our children on daily basis. They will work on a swap in / swap out basis. Please take the time to have a look inside the sheds with your child and select one to take home and enjoy. When finished, please return and swap for a new one. A great time to take a peek would be at drop off and pick up times.
Happy reading!
Newsletter 26.5.23, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 26th May 2023 @ 4:36pm
Thankyou to Miss Johnstone’s Y3 pupils for providing a rousing performance for parents to round off a busy term. It was a pleasure watching them speak and sing with confidence and above all with smiles on their faces!
Sports day
Well done to all our pupils for the brilliant behaviour, effort and encouragement they gave one another. We were blessed with great weather and great support from the crowd – thankyou!
Reading for Pleasure
We are delighted that our Reading Sheds are now up and running. These will replace the Friday Lending Library and will be accessible on a daily basis to swap in and take out a book to enjoy at home. The Reading Sheds are stocked with beautiful new books that are current, classic, and diverse. Each year group has their own shed containing age-appropriate books. Take a look, borrow, then return and of course, please look after the books. Please check out our support termly reading newsletter published today by Mrs Holden.
The Y6 pupils have had a great time at PGL and by all accounts been brilliant ambassadors for Marus Bridge. The children who stayed at school have been equally fantastic – I am very proud of them all as I know parents will be. Thankyou to all our staff and volunteers – pupils couldn’t enjoy such experiences without your dedication.
Unsworth pride Award
The annual Unsworth Pride Award went to Kateryna Rozhkova. When Kate left her home in war torn Ukraine last year, she joined us without knowing anybody and unable to speak any English. Fast forward to today and her English reading and writing is fluent and she continues to be a star pupil – testament to the courage and determination she shows every day. See our socials for more info.
- Please do not bring dogs on the school grounds. Thanks for your understanding.
- Please do not use vapes or e-cigarettes on the school grounds.
- Please could any outstanding lunch money be paid asap. If you are struggling with this for any reason, then please give Mrs Bish a call via the office.
School Day
From September, as proposed, school opening times will be from 8.45am – 3.15pm. Thankyou for all your positive feedback.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday 5th June – School closed INSET day
Tuesday 6th June – School reopens for Summer Term 2
Wednesday 7th June SRE meeting for parents of Y5&6 pupils. 3.30PM on TEAMS (see separate mail)
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th June – Y5 London Trip
Monday 19th June – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs
Tuesday 20th June – Y4 Brass Concert (PM)
Thursday 22nd June – Y6 Road Safety
Wednesday 5th July – ‘Meet your new teacher’ morning
Friday 14th July – FOMBA – Circus Visit
Monday 17th July - EOY Reports out to parents
Tuesday 18th July - Reception EYFS Assembly
Wednesday 19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Party
Friday 21st July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
Friday 21st July - End of Term
Thankyou for your ongoing support and see you after the half term break.
Mr Aldridge
Reading ambassador Newsletter Summer 1, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 26th May 2023 @ 11:57am
Please have a look at our latest reading newsletter and see whats been going on in school.
Newsletter 28.04.2023, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 10:50am
Dear Parents/Carers,
Another week has flown by and a very busy one at that! Miss Foxwell's class did themselves proud in their assembly this morning – a Florence Nightingale themed extravaganza! We have had a science themed adventure this week – the visits from beekeepers and wildlife experts have certainly been highlights (I imagine a pet mouse has been added to a few birthday lists since yesterday, too!). Thankyou to Mrs Bower and the staff for coordinating such an immersive and enjoyable week for our children.
NEU Industrial Action
School will be open to all classes this coming Tuesday 2nd May.
Attendance Awards
We gave out attendance awards in assembly today. Aside from illness, we aim for children to attend school everyday - avoiding holidays in term time and therefore maximising the progress they make at school. The school holiday patterns for the next two years can be found in the parents section of our website under ‘Term Dates’.
The Book Sheds
You may well have noticed the appearance of sheds with black doors outsides classrooms around school. These will soon be open on a daily basis at the end of the school day, housing age appropriate books for pupils to borrow and enjoy.
Kings Coronation Celebration
A reminder that on Friday 5th May we will be holding a celebration day for the King’s Coronation. Children will be invited to wear red, white and blue, with various coronation themed activities being held throughout the day.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday - School closed
Friday 5th May – King’s Coronation Celebration (details to follow from Mrs Miller)
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday - School closed
Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May – Y6 SATs
Wednesday 17th May - Numeracy Day (details to follow from Mrs Boffey)
Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th May - Y6 PGL residential
Wednesday 24th May – Sportsday - Reception Class AM. Y1 and Y2 PM (exact timings to follow next week)
Thursday 25th May – Sportsday - Y5 and 6 AM. Y3 and Y4 PM (exact timings to follow next week)
Friday 26th May – School closes for half-term
Monday 5th June – School closed INSET day
Tuesday 6th June – School reopens for summer term 2
Wednesday 6th June – Music Alive – KS2 performance
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th June – Y5 London Trip
Have a lovely extended weekend whatever your plans are.
Mr Aldridge
Reading Ambassador Newsletter, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 4:13pm
Welcome to our first ever reading ambassador newsletter. Have a read through and see what fabulous reading has been taking place in school.
School PTA AGM - We need you, by Mrs Atkinson
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 10:19am
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would like to invite you all to the next AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Wednesday 19th April at 3.05pm. The meeting is a fantastic opportunity for parents to meet the committee members of the PTA (FOMBA) and to learn more about how getting involved can really benefit our children and our school. The meeting takes place once each year, offering new volunteers the opportunity to run for a place on the committee whilst giving everyone the chance to vote for who they think is most suitable for each role. It is also the time for current committee members to stand down, making way for new faces with fresh ideas. Past and present committee members are of course welcome to re-run if they would like to continue supporting the PTA.
In order for FOMBA to continue, we really need lots of you to attend this meeting and to offer your help, as several of the current committee members are preparing to stand down as their children get ready to move on to high school. We know that it feels like a big commitment to offer your services and join the PTA but with good communication and teamwork, it really doesn’t have to be. And just to give you a reminder of what FOMBA have managed to support and/or provide over the years please see below;
Playground Equipment
Library Books
School Trips
Educational Visits
Summer Fair
Christmas Markets
These things have all been either funded by FOMBA or subsidised by FOMBA and have benefitted our children in so many ways.
We know that a lot of you struggle to attend meetings due to work and other commitments and we have really tried to take this into consideration going forward. The meeting will take place in school straight after pick up and one of the teachers has very kindly offered to stay behind to take care of all those children that have adults wanting to attend the meeting.
Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, guardians, please try your best to attend the meeting and help us out, because we really cannot continue FOMBA unless we have sufficient numbers within the committee.
Thank you,
Your FOMBA Team