Year 5: News items

FOMBA DISCO TIME!!!!!!, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 11:18am

The children had an amazing time at this weeks 'School's Out' discos. Each disco was well attended and all the children enjoyed singing and dancing along with the DJ as well as creating colouring pics. We can't wait for the next event. 

Thankyou to everyone who purchased a tocket and came along. 

Officially - A Healthy School, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 11:15am

Its Official - We are a Healthy School! The PSHE ambassadors, Ellie, Grace, James & Jamie accompanied Mrs Heaton to the Wigan Healthy Schools Celebration event to receive our Healthy Schools accreditation certificate for this year. What a wonderful morning sharing the successes of all the schools taking part and meeting all the people who deliver the wonderful workshops across the borough and beyond. From cycling smoothie making to exploring mental health it was an entertaining, engaging and very informative morning.

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Youth Connect 5 Parent Course, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 1:30pm

We are pleased to announce that we are working in partnership with Wigan Council to deliver a parent course in our school. The course runs for 5 weeks and starts on 31st October. Join us from 9.00am for a coffee before the course starts at 9.30 lasting approx until 11.30am. We would love to see as many of our families as possible attending. Please see the attached flyer for more information and email Mrs Bish at to book a place.


FOMBA PTA Notices, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 11:05am

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Please note this is not a Halloween themed disco, so children do not need to dress up. But they can do if they wish!


The children’s Christmas Artwork that came home on Friday, has to be ordered via the website and by 26th October.
This is not organised by school, so please don’t contact the school office.
If you have any queries please message the FOMBA team.

Many Thanks

The FOMBA Team 😊

'Empathy for the Elderly', by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 12:47pm

'Empathy for the Elderly' - Harvest collection reminder! Donations close tomorrow!
Our aim is to collect essentials for the elderly residents in our community to provide them with what we hope to be some welcome support before the onset of the winter months.
We would love you to contribute and donate items that would be part of their essential shopping list items.
You are under no obligation to donate or contribute but the more items we receive the more of our elderly community will benefit.
We will then distribute support packages to elderly residents in our community.
Many thanks for your support.

Youth Connect Parent Workshop, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 12:17pm

We have a Youth Connect Parent workshop over 5 weeks. This is a great opportunity for our parents and the community. These sessions start at Marus Bridge Primary School 31st October. Welcome and Coffee 9:00am and the course runs 9:30-11:30. We are hoping lots of the Marus Bridge community will be able to attend. Please email to book a place.


School's out disco, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 12:05pm

Schools Out Disco poster.png

Pupil Leadership Team 2024-2025, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 1:11pm

Say Hello to our New Head boy - Freddie & Head Girl - Scarlett accompanied by their deputies - Daniel & Evie. Congratulations!! The pupils were chosen through a whole school vote as part of our work on SMSC and democracy. 

Pupil Leadership Team.jpg

Importance of reading, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 12:55pm

Please see the attached information from our English leads.

Visit our school - Open day, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 10:41am

Is your child starting school in September 2025 or know someone who is?

Come to Marus Bridge tour day, it will give the opportunity to look around the school, absorb the atmosphere and meet the Headteacher, staff and pupils. It will provide you with an insight into the interaction of staff and pupils and also the relationship between the pupils and their peers at our fabulous school and help you decide that you want your child to start their journey through education with us. We look forward to seeing you. 

Visit Our School.jpg

Support for young people in Wigan, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 9:51am

Wigan has lots available for young people regarding emotional health and wellbeing for all and support for neuro diverse young people. Please see the attached leaflet below with QR codes to scan to find out what is available to you. 


This can also be found in the SEND section of the website. 

New and Improved Bridge Builders - Exclusive to Marus Bridge, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 9:36am

Breaking News.PNG

Bridge Builders objs.png


Join Us - Macmillan Coffee Morning, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 9:33am


Newsletter 06.09.24, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 11:40am

Dear Parents/Carers,


A warm welcome back to the new school year. It has been great to see our children settle back into school-life, being reacquainted with friends, teachers, school routines, whilst looking incredibly smart in their school and PE uniforms too.  


Our new starters in Reception have made a wonderful start to school life. I would like to extend a warm Marus Bridge family welcome to our new parents/carers; we are looking forward to getting to know you all!


All classes will be receiving key information from teachers to give you an overview of timetables and what children will be learning this year. You will receive messages from me too throughout the year as well as fortnightly updates such as this one. All statutory information can be found on our website, including key dates, term times and policies. 



As always, teaching children to read, so that they can read to learn and experience the enjoyment in reading, is one of our everyday aims. Thankyou for supporting children with reading at home - don't forget that the books sheds are open everyday to swap age appropriate and varied titles that we know children will enjoy reading. 


If any adults are available to give their time to listen to readers, it would be greatly appreciated. Please just pop into the office for further details.



Excellent attendance continues to be of the highest priority to the new Government, local authority and to our school . Please read the most recent LA guidance sent out this summer. We really do appreciate your support with this and avoiding holidays in term time this year.


School Lunches

Don’t forget that from Reception (EYFS) to Y2, school lunches are free and from Y3 onwards extremely good value! They are tasty, well-balanced and save a bit of time for us parents too. There is a new menu from which I can definitely recommend the burrito boat! They are definitely worth giving a try - if you have any questions, give the office a call. J


Music Mark

Hot off the press! We have just been awarded the highly coveted Music Mark, awarded to schools for their dedication to delivering high quality education and experiences in music for its pupils. ðŸ™‚



Following a successful first year in office, the new FOMBA (Friends of Marus Bridge Association) team are itching to make plans for the coming year. If you wish to be involved, the next meeting is on September 16th 


Finally, all the very best to Miss Evans, who begins her maternity leave today.


 Hopefully the sunshine will last for the weekend,


Mr Aldridge

Stars of the week, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 10th Sep 2024 @ 11:05am

Here are this week's stars


Online Safety Hub, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 28th Aug 2024 @ 11:24am

Dear Parent, Find out how to keep your child safe online. Don’t forget, that the Online Safety Hub is now live! You can access it for free here: The Online Safety Hub is a brand-new online resource with lots of expert advice and guidance to help you manage your child's safety online as a parent. It includes information on the latest hot topics when it comes to keeping children safe, such as how to manage your child's screen time, understand the latest gaming platforms, what they mean for your child’s safety and lots more. We’re also offering you as a parent, a free Qustodio account facilitating parental controls on any individual device and free premium access for 30 days. Gain more visibility on what’s going on in your child’s online world. Block dangerous content, introduce screen-free schedules, receive alerts for inappropriate content, keep tabs on their location and more. Follow the link to create your free account &utm_campaign=marusbridge-uk If you have any questions on any of the above, please get in touch

We got GOLD!!!! School Games, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 11:12am

We have been awared the school games gold award for 2023-2024. Well done to everyone involved. 

Online Safety Hub, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 8:29am

The Hub is better than ever with a new look and new features that make it easier to help parents keep their children safe online and it is now live. 

 Take a look at the redesign especially over the summer time when the chidlren will be spending more time on their devices. 



MBPS Outstanding Enrichment, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 17th Jul 2024 @ 9:38am


Dear Parents / Guardian

Please find attached a list of Enrichment Activities we have provided this academic year.

Throughout the year there are curriculum related educational visits or school-based workshops so that Marus Bridge’s curriculum remains innovative and meets the needs of every learner by deepening children’s learning experiences.

In addition, we give our pupils the opportunity to experience theatre, life education skills, an enormous variety of sports and activity clubs as well as contributing to the wider community through charitable support.

We appreciate that financially what we offer can be challenging for some families and value the contributions that you make to ensure that the various opportunities can go ahead. Transport costs, insurance and visit/workshop charges soon mount up these days. So, thank you again for your support.

As a school, we subsidise every enrichment activity. This is to try to keep the costs to parents/carers to a minimum and we are grateful to the Friends Of Marus Bridge Association for their considerable financial support in paying towards a number of the enrichment opportunities yearly. If we cannot meet the cost of visits, workshops or experiences then they would not be able to proceed.

We believe that the children of Marus Bridge deserve the best primary school experience possible, and we strive to ensure that their lives are enriched why they are with us. If you have any ideas on what activities, clubs, trips might further enhance our enrichment offer that we do not currently provide, please get in touch and we can look into this for the next academic year.

Thank you again for supporting our vision in providing outstanding opportunities for Marus Bridge Pupils.

Kind Regards

Mrs A. Atkinson & Mrs A. Hurst

End of Term Newsletter 24.05.24, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:52pm

Dear Parent/Carer,
The term ends following a week of enrichment centred around healthy living. Judging by the smiles on faces during the sessions this week, it's been enjoyed by all. Thankyou to Mrs Heaton, Miss Johnstone and our office team for pulling it all together. The aim is to help inspire healthy choices for life, support children with life skills and encourage them to try something new! Thankyou also for your sponsorship of today's walk, run, jog event - extra kind! We will communicate asap about how any monies raised will be invested to continually support healthy lifestyles at Marus Bridge.
Sportsday Rearranged Dates
Tuesday 25th June - Y5 and Y6 - 9.30 - 11.00am
Tuesday 25th June - Y3 and Y4 - 1.30 - 3.00pm
Wednesday 26th June - Reception - 9.30 - 11.00am
Wednesday 26th June - Y1 and Y2 - 1.30 - 3pm
Holiday Requests
We have had a number of holiday requests recently, impacting on attendance records. Please consider carefully before booking holidays in term time - it will impact on learning and can also result in fines being issued due to more stringent government guidelines. Please note that there is no need to fill in the 'exceptional circumstances' section if you are simply taking your child out of school on holiday. Thankyou.
Mrs Lloyd
Mrs Lloyd has informed us that she will be retiring this summer. I know it was a difficult decision but one made with health considerations in mind. She has been an integral member of the team at Marus Bridge for over 30 years, inspiring pupils as class teacher in multiple year groups, as English and music lead, through many choir performances and more recently as school SENDCO. We would therefore like to thank her for this service and will say a full and final goodbye in the summer. She unfortunately is still suffering from ill health and therefore Mrs Atkinson and Miss Evans will continue in the role for now. I will update you with further before summer with future permanent arrangements for the SENDCO post.
We have recruited to the maternity post that will cover Miss Evans next year. Miss Ferro, who has worked with us previously, was successful and we look forward to her joining us in September.
And finally...
Do we have anyone who works in the publicity industry or who has the knowhow to help us develop our social media and publicity reach in the wider community. We want to further share the wonderful experiences and achievements of our pupils and would love your input. Please catch me on the gate or drop school an email if you could help.
Many thanks for the support over the term. I hope if you are taking time off next week the weather is kinder and the children enjoy a well-earned rest.
Mr Aldridge

Newsletter 17.05.24, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 11:40am

Dear Parents/Carers
We have had a great week in school, rounded off with a superb assembly from Y4 Mrs/Hurst/Mrs Collier's Class that taught us everything they know about electricity.
 Well done to all our Y6 pupils whose attitude and determination was wonderful this week as they tackled their SAT tests. They can be immensely proud of themselves as I know you will be of them. Thankyou to our Y6 staff who as ever have played an integral part in supporting our pupils this year. They enjoyed a trip up to Brewer's Fayre today too for lunch to celebrate their hard work!
MB Fest 2024 and Healthy Living Week
We’re on countdown to the first ever Marus Bridge Fest on Saturday 8th June! FOMBA have shared a sneak preview of the festival map (attached) which gives a flavour of what you can look forward to on the day. Make sure it’s in your diary!
Healthy living week commences on Monday
Please keep your eyes peeled on your child’s Seesaw account for which days they are required to wear PE kit. Similarly, it is non-uniform day on Friday 24th May, which coincides with the Walk, Run, Jog fundraiser, so please could children wear something appropriate or bring in trainers to change into during the day when they do the event.
Next Friday, please could we ask for the following donations in preparation for the tombola:
EY and KS1 - chocolate, sweets and biscuits
KS2 - a bottle of something to drink 
Cyclist Dismount
Please can I remind cyclists to dismount on entering the school grounds. It’s to keep them and other little ones safe from harm.
Superstar Cheerleaders
A final big shout out to our very own Isla Lloyd, who's Hawks Intensity cheer team, took second, yes second, place in the world cheer championships held in America last week. It is a sensational achievement - one that I know the team, their families and their coach Nicola Lettman-Evans are still pinching themselves about! Well done to everyone who took part.
Key Whole School Dates:
  • Monday 20th May – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs
  • WB Monday 20th May - Healthy Living Week 
  • Wednesday 22nd May EYFS & KS1 Sport's days - Reception Classes then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
  • Thursday 23rd May KS2 Sport's days- Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)
  • Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day for Summer Fest and End of Term
  • Monday 3rd June - School closed for staff INSET day
  • Tuesday 4th June – School reopens for Summer Term 2
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Aldridge

Newsletter 10.05.24, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 2:03pm

Dear Parents/Carers,

Success all round in Y5 today. Firstly, Mrs Bower’s Class took us on a whistlestop tour of their learning this year, from the glorious Greeks to some smelly science – a great performance by all involved. Well done to all the children who represented the school in the Y5 football tournament – we are super proud of you. Updates on Sky Sports News later! 😊

To our wonderful Y6 cohort – good luck with your SAT tests next week. We could not be prouder of how hard you have worked and the determination you have shown each and everyday. You will smash it next week! Don’t forget Y6 pupils can arrive from 8.30am onwards for a piece of toast and drink next week.

Hats and Water Bottles

Now we are (dare I say it) experiencing some warm weather, on sunny days please can children be sent with caps/sun hats for break-times and their water bottles. Some of the juniors have not had bottles this week.

Sports Day

You are invited to join us and spectate on the field – entrance will be at the gate from the corner of the school field near the Y6 classrooms. In the event of inclement weather, we may have to postpone and rearrange, but will  let you know asap.

  • Wednesday 22nd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Reception then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
  • Thursday 23rd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)

Please send children in PE kits.

Pupil Premium Funding

We would like to ask all of our parents/ carers from reception to Year 6 to consider whether they might meet the criteria for free school meals for their child(ren). This would help to ensure that the school does not miss out on additional pupil premium funding. A simple way to check to see if your child(ren) may be entitled to free school meals is via the link below or giving us a call in school.

Free school meals, pupil premium, and EYPP (

Also, there is a very good article on the Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert website which provides some useful information.

Friday Attendance

Whilst analysing attendance data, we have noticed that Fridays are our most poorly attended day of the week. Please can I encourage you to avoid keeping children off school unnecessarily and support us in improving our Friday attendance.  As a school, we celebrate pupils with 100% attendance by entering them into our Monthly prize draw to win a £10 shopping voucher.

Safer Roads Event

In partnership with Safer Roads Greater Manchester and Wigan Council, Good Egg Safety are running a FREE child car seat checking event at Wigan Tesco (WN1 1XS), between 10am-3pm, Friday 7th June 2024.

Please find the leaflet for the event attached to this email and here is the Facebook link:

New Starters 24

We are looking forward to seeing parents of our new starters to our welcome meeting on Tuesday 21st May. Please feel free to arrive from 5.30pm onwards, aiming to begin at 6pm. If you have not already done so, please email the office to accept your child's place at school. Admission forms were also sent recently via email and we kindly request that you complete and submit them by the 21st May We still have a few places available for September, so if friends or family are moving into the area etc, please ask them to get in contact with the school office for a tour.

Key Whole School Dates:

  • Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May – Y6 SATS
  • Friday 17th May - Mrs Hurst/Collier’s Class Assembly
  • Monday 20th May – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs
  • Wednesday 22nd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Reception Classes then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
  • Thursday 23rd May at 9.30 – 11.00 Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)
  • WB Monday 20th May - Healthy Living Week 
  • Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day for Summer Fest and End of Term
  • Monday 3rd June - School closed for staff INSET day
  • Tuesday 4th June – School reopens for Summer Term 2

Many thanks,


Mr Aldridge

Digital Safety Meeting, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 10:50am

Thankyou to the parents and family members that came today to our digital online safety meeting. I hope you found it very useful. The children presented brilliantly through, facts, song and poetry before Lyndsey from Smoothwall gave some fantastic information.  Don’t forget to go onto our school website, go to the class pages and click the link for the online safety hub. You can search for how to secure your child devices as well as for information on apps and games they are using and don’t forget to sign up to the parent app (FREE) so you can keep a check on what your child is viewing on their electronic devices.

Newsletter 26.04.24, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 3:17pm

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, would you give your children a pat on the back from me to say well done for promoting and living out our school core values. We have had various visitors to school this week, and I have been complemented by them separately on how determined, polite and respectful our children were in class and around school.

New Starters 24

We are looking forward to seeing parents of our new starters to our welcome meeting on Tuesday 21st May. Please feel free to arrive from 5.30pm onwards; we are aiming to begin at 6pm. If you have not already done so, please email the office to accept your child's place at school. We still have a few places available for September, so if friends or family are moving into the area etc, please ask them to contact the school office for a tour – it would be great to meet them.

Healthy Living Week

WB Monday 20th May pupils will be taking part in lots of exciting activities delivered by experienced coaches, trainers, instructors & teachers including all with the main aim of promoting healthy lifestyles for our pupils. Please check out the separate PM next week from Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Heaton for all the details.

Marus Bridge Summer Fest 2024

Don't forget to keep Saturday 8th June free in your diary to come down to school and join in the fun – it is shaping up to be a cracking event! There is a non-uniform day on Friday 24th May for tombola items – Mrs Atkinson will send the details of that soon. If you can offer some of your time to help in any way at the Summer Fest, please let our FOMBA chair Adam know on 07730131000. Visit the FOMBA Facebook site too for all the details!


We are proud of the Y6 football team, who beat St Paul’s comfortably this week – a talented bunch who gelled very nicely according to Mr Duncalf. Great feedback and onwards to the next match.


Thank you for the kind donations to the local family who suffered such loss in the house fire recently. A big shout out to Oliver in Y3, who purchased a giftcard to donate from his pocket money – immense kindness that really embodies our school core values.

Key Whole School Dates:

  • Thursday 2nd May - Digital Safeguarding Day - Parent workshop at 2.15pm
  • Friday 10th May – Mrs Bower’s Class Assembly
  • Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May – Y6 SATS
  • Friday 17th May - Mrs Hurst/Mrs Collier’s Class Assembly
  • Monday 20th May – Reception and Y6 Graduation Photographs
  • Wednesday 22nd May - Sports Day at 9.30 – 11.00 Reception Classes then 1.30 – 3.00 Y1 and Y2 (KS1)
  • Thursday 23rd May - Sports Day at 9.30 – 11.00 Y3 and Y4 (LKS2) then 1.30 – 3.00 Y5 and Y6 (UKS2)
  • WB Monday 20th May - Healthy Living Week
  • Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day for Summer Fest and End of Term
  • Monday 3rd June – School closed for staff INSET
  • Tuesday 4th June – School Reopens for Summer Term

Many thanks,


Mr Aldridge

Measles update from Wigan Council, by Mrs Atkinson

Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 2:07pm

Please see infomration from Wigan Council regarding measels. 


Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

The Rowan Learning Trust Ofsted ...good school Emotionally Friendly School Healthy School Wigan 2023 School Games- Gold 2023-24 Music Mark School 2024-25 No Outsiders Smoothwall partnership