School PTA AGM - We need you
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would like to invite you all to the next AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Wednesday 19th April at 3.05pm. The meeting is a fantastic opportunity for parents to meet the committee members of the PTA (FOMBA) and to learn more about how getting involved can really benefit our children and our school. The meeting takes place once each year, offering new volunteers the opportunity to run for a place on the committee whilst giving everyone the chance to vote for who they think is most suitable for each role. It is also the time for current committee members to stand down, making way for new faces with fresh ideas. Past and present committee members are of course welcome to re-run if they would like to continue supporting the PTA.
In order for FOMBA to continue, we really need lots of you to attend this meeting and to offer your help, as several of the current committee members are preparing to stand down as their children get ready to move on to high school. We know that it feels like a big commitment to offer your services and join the PTA but with good communication and teamwork, it really doesn’t have to be. And just to give you a reminder of what FOMBA have managed to support and/or provide over the years please see below;
Playground Equipment
Library Books
School Trips
Educational Visits
Summer Fair
Christmas Markets
These things have all been either funded by FOMBA or subsidised by FOMBA and have benefitted our children in so many ways.
We know that a lot of you struggle to attend meetings due to work and other commitments and we have really tried to take this into consideration going forward. The meeting will take place in school straight after pick up and one of the teachers has very kindly offered to stay behind to take care of all those children that have adults wanting to attend the meeting.
Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, guardians, please try your best to attend the meeting and help us out, because we really cannot continue FOMBA unless we have sufficient numbers within the committee.
Thank you,
Your FOMBA Team