PE uniform reminder
Dear Parents/Carers,
At Marus Bridge, we place a high importance on Physical Education within our curriculum. It is equally important that pupils are properly prepared for their P.E lessons in the appropriate kit. Please see below for a summary of this.
Children come to school wearing their PE Kit on their PE days. This includes:
- MBPS logo or plain white t-shirt
- MBPS logo or plain black shorts (on warmer days)
- MBPS logo or plain navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings/tracksuit top
- Black Trainers (not platform Converse/high-top style pumps)
Additionally, children will be welcome to wear their school sweatshirts, school cardigans or school fleeces over their PE t-shirts. As always, please can we ask that all uniform and PE uniform is labelled clearly, helping to reduce lost property or need to replace items.
Pupils are not permitted to wear:
- Coloured footwear other than black
- Platform Converse/high-top style pumps
- Branded sportswear
- Jeans
- Jewellery
On PE and Games days please refrain from setting your child in any form of jewellery including stud earrings, if your child usually wears them. Children cannot take part in PE lessons with earrings in even if they have safety caps and we are not able to use plasters to cover earrings. It is easier to avoid wearing them on these days especially if they cannot remove them independently.
- Hair should be worn neat and tidy without any colouring or shaved in patterns.
- If a pupil has long hair, it should be worn tied back. (Exceptions to these hairstyles include hair that is worn because of cultural, family and social customs and can be part of a pupil’s ethnic origin and therefore fall under the protected characteristics set out in the equality act 2010.)
Parents will be contacted, initially through the child’s planner or Seesaw, if the incorrect kit is worn, and a telephone call will follow if this is persistent to ensure we remain consistent with uniform policy. Due to our policy on earrings, it would be better if pupils refrained from getting ears pierced until summer holidays if possible.
If pupils are unable to join in with their PE lesson, they will be given an alternative task linked strongly the lesson, to ensure that they are still able to meet the learning objectives.
As always, we thank you for your co-operation with this.