Newsletter 7.2.24

Dear Parents/Carers,

It's been spa day in EYFS today, with a focus on well-being and some spa treatments too!  Added to the Wonderdome visit, road safety and Greek day, we've had another busy week in classes across school! Please see new and upcoming diary dates at the bottom of the newsletter.

A huge thank you to parents, friends and family members who came into school to read to our children for national storytelling week, which the children loved! With World Book Day on the horizon, there’s more reading fun on the way. Thanks to Mrs Holden for organising. I can recommend the website below, great for finding books appropriate to children of different ages with activities and suggestions for parents should you need them.

 Wigan Institute of Education

We are proud to have been selected to be a lead primary school for a new and local  teacher training provider - the Wigan Institute of Education. The core aim is to train local teachers to work in local schools, bringing their expertise and knowledge of the community with them. If you know of anyone who may be interested in getting into teaching, please share the website below, or give school a call.

Wigan Institute of Education

 Parents' Evening - Monday 3rd and Wednesday 5th March

Please look out on ParentMail for booking which will go live next week. The Book Fair will be there as usual too!


Please will you encourage your children to park up in the scooter/bike parks straight away and not ride around the playground first thing in the morning. Just to help avoid any accidents. Thankyou for your support with this.

 Mrs Boffey

A reminder that we will be welcoming our assistant headteacher Mrs Boffey back from maternity leave after February half term. She will be returning to teaching in Y5, following handover from Mrs Stanley, of whom will remain teaching in the class one day per week until summer.

 Wigan Today/Wigan Observer - EYFS

And finally, look out for EYFS in the news this week - Wigan Today Online (Monday) and the Wigan Observer (Tuesday) - with photographs from the grandparent games afternoon last month. :-)


  • 14/02/25 - School closes for half term
  • 24/02/25 - School reopens
  • 24/02/25 - Canal and Rivers Trust - School visit 
  • 03/03/25 and 5/3/2025 - Parents' Evenings (with Book Fair)
  • 06/03/25 - World Book Day 
  • 07/03/25 - Careers Day - Further info to follow
  • 27/03/25 - Around the UK in 90 Minutes! Y1 Parent/Carer afternoon
  • 28/03/25 - Mothers’ Day Afternoon EYFS
  • 04/04/25 - School closes for Easter
  • 22/04/25 - School reopens for Summer Term

Have a great weekend,


Mr Aldridge


Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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