Newsletter 24.01.2025

Dear Parents/Carers,


We are looking forward to the Community Coffee Morning on Monday, an opportunity to chat, make contact or seek advice from each other and series of local services, from the health advisor, tenant voice, school nurse, family hub, Let's Get Movin' amongst others. Please join us - everyone welcome. See socials and posters for further info.



Thankyou to FOMBA are continuing their great support of school and families. They are subsiding the cost of school trips and visits across all year groups, have approved purchasing of play equipments for breaktimes, buddy benches and another shed to provide cover and quiet on the junior yard. Your help and input is needed and welcome at the next meeting this Monday in school at 6pm.

Mrs Boffey

We will be welcoming our assistant headteacher Mrs Boffey back from maternity leave after February Half Term. She will be returning to teaching in Y5,  following handover from Mrs Stanley, of whom will remain teaching in the class one day per week until summer.

If You were an engineer what would you do?

 Y2 and Y5 will be embarking on 'If you were an engineer, what would you do?' projects shortly, following a visit and inspire session from Ian Bannister a local engineer. We would love to hear from any other engineers in our community, if you may have time to speak to our children about things you do. 


Please be mindful and consider safety when parking, especially on corners or over driveways, such as those on Jupiter Grove. Really appreciate your help with this.

Healthy Schools

Healthy school news attached. Wigan Healthy Living Team are currently delivering sessions to our Y6 cohort. Our website also offers further ideas and resources via Marus Bridge Primary School: Wellbeing, Healthy Schools & Mental Health Information



Teachers will share pertinent dates in their year groups, however here are some key dates to look out for:


30/1/25 Engineer Visit Y2 and Y4

5/2/25 Greek Day Y5

7/2/25 Wonderdome Visit EYFS/Y1/Y2/Y5

14/2/25 School Closes for halt term

24/2/25 School Reopens

24/2/25 Canal and Rivers Trust - School visit 

3/2/25 National Storytelling Week - Traditional Tales

3/3/25 and 5/3/2025 Parents' Evenings

6/3/25 World Book Day

28/3/25 Mothers’ Day Afternoon EYFSW

4/4/25 School Closes for Easter

22/4/25 School Reopens


Have a great weekend,


Mr Aldridge


Primary School


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs G. Evans

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