Newsletter 22.11.24
After a cold and wintery week, you’ll be warmed by the feedback from a group of headteachers who visited the school from York this week. They commented on how lovely, focussed and knowledgeable our children are – something I couldn’t agree with more. Over the week I have been priviliged to observe some great activities, one of my favourites being a taste tester for Year 4 biscuit baking in DT! (I gave a few handshakes out too!)
When I ask my children what they did at school... I sometimes get quite a limited response! Marus Bridge has SeeSaw, which helps to share learning and achievements, but here are a few question stems/ideas that might spark some discussion from this week!
Reception: Tell me about Humpty Dumpty's friends and the characters in nursery rhymes.
Y1: Tell me about Space Tortoise!
Y2: Can you name the continents? (And even sing the continent song?!)
Y3: What was invented in the Bronze Age? What stitches have we learned in our DT lessons?
Y4: How do we stay safe online?
Y5: What were children's lives like during the industrial revolution?
Y6: Tell me about Oliver Twist!
Online Safety
We are much obliged to Joe Hurst (aka Mr Hurst), for visiting the Y4s to discuss e-safety (his background is in IT). In an ever-changing digital and online environment, education about online safety remains one of our priorities. As a parent myself, I am trying to stay as informed as possible - which can be hard at times! Resources like our online safety hub do really help - please take a look.
Online Safety Hub - Marus Bridge Primary School
ParentKind/Cash Pot for Schools
Thankyou for giving your support to this – we have just surpassed the £1000 mark! ParenKind are the charity that provide support for PTAs like the wonderful FOMBA, who are finalising details of this year's Christmas fair.
Mini ducks etc
On Friday's moving forward, children can bring mini-ducks etc to swap on the playground at lunchtime. A few parents and the school council spoke to me about providing a way of doing this, especially in the lead up to Christmas. If brought to school, please send in a labelled container or bag.
Parent Partnerships
Recently, we have had visits from Youth Connect and Wigan Warriors, who have been providing varied workshops for parents - you may have seen fliers for these.
Please see the lovely letter attached from Wigan Warriors that sums up the impact of the work they do with our school and about our outward facing approach to community partnerships.
Message from office regarding Christmas toys for sale:
Further to the previous message, please be advised that the school office are not permitted to accept cash payments for the Christmas toys. Kindly place the money in an envelope with your child's name clearly written on it, and hand it to their class teacher upon arrival at school. The toys will be available to purchase all next week.
Support at Christmas
This year, we are again supporting families who maybe struggling with financial hardship and would otherwise be unable to provide gifts for the family and enjoy festive food and treats. If you or someone you know are struggling and feel this would help, please contact Mrs Bish Pastoral Manager either by phone 01942 248129 or email who can make the referral. This is a confidential service and is not means tested.
Dates for the diary:
Friday 6th December 2024 Non-Uniform Day (for Christmas Fair and The Brick) and Christmas Craft Afternoon for EYFS 2-3pm
Tuesday 10th December 2024 KS1 Christmas Dinner Day
Wednesday 11th December 2024 KS2 Christmas Dinner Day
Thursday 12th December 2024 Year 4 Brass concert & Christmas quiz 10.00-11.30am / FOMBA Christmas Fair
Friday 13th December 2024 Year 5 Christmas Quiz afternoon 1.45-3.15pm
Monday 16th December 2024 Pantomime day (Whole School - departing at 9.15am and back for a later lunch)
Tuesday 17th December 2024 Year 6 Christmas Quiz 1.45-3.15pm
Wednesday 18th December 2024 KS1 (Y1 and Y2 together) Christmas performances 9.30am and 2.15pm
Thursday 19th December 2024 EYFS Christmas performance 9.30am / Year 3 Christmas Quiz afternoon 1.45-3.15pm
Friday 20th December School Closes at 1pm
School reopens Tuesday 7th January
Take care and have a lovely weekend,
Mr Aldridge